Set Meter Roll-over Value


Use this activity to manage the roll-over value of an equipment object parameter.

The roll-over value is relevant to meters used for accumulating type measurements, such as hours run, distance travelled, quantity produced etc. typically meters have a maximum value that can be recorded - e.g. 99 999. Once this value has been reached, the meter ‘rolls over’ and starts again, usually at zero. Therefore if a reading is taken after the meter has ‘rolled over’, it will be lower than the preceding reading, before roll over, and therefore will fail validation. It can then be managed via the wizard Manage Preliminary Reading, choosing the Meter Roll-over option. To ensure that the correct roll-over value is used, the Meter Roll-over Value is set on the object parameter - it is set using the dialogue. It can also be reset when carrying out a Meter Change, using the Setup/Change Meter dialogue, and the Manage Preliminary Reading (Meter Change option).

The Set Meter Roll-over Value menu option is used when only the roll-over value needs to be set - rather than as part of a meter change, or when processing a Preliminary reading.


The parameter must be of Value Type ‘Accumulated’. ‘Limit’ type parameters are not affected by Meter Roll-overs as they do not have an accumulating Total Value.

The roll-over value cannot be set to a value less than the latest Recorded Reading for the meter.

If a meter is being changed, use the Setup/Change Meter activity. Only use Set Meter Roll-over Value to record or correct the roll-over value for a meter that has already been registered/is in use, but is missing the roll-over value.

System Effects

The Meter Roll-over Value on the equipment object parameter will be set to the entered value.

The roll-over value is the value that would have been entered, if the meter had not rolled over

The value will be displayed and used in the Manage Preliminary Reading wizard, if a reading has been recorded after a roll-over.

Once the first reading after the roll-over has been processed using the wizard, the roll-over value will be added to the reading value, to update the Total Value.
E.g. Maximum reading the meter can display = 99 999. Roll-over value = 100 000. New reading is 15 000 - new Total Value will be 115 000.


Measurements for Object
Serial Object
Functional Object

Related Window Descriptions

Measurements for Object
Serial Object
Functional Object


You can set the meter roll-over value from the Measurements for Object window, the Serial Object window, Testpoints/Parameters tab or the Functional Object window, Testpoints/Parameters tab.

Setting a meter roll-over value from the Measurements for Object window:

  1. Populate the Measurements for Object window with an equipment object.
  2. Select the relevant parameter.
  3. Right-click, then click Set Meter Roll-over Value.
  4.  A dialogue box appears, showing details of the object and parameter/meter selected.
  5. Click in the field Meter Roll-over Value - edit the value to either set it, if it has not already been entered, or change it, if it is wrong. The value must be less than the latest Recorded Reading.
  6. Click OK when the data is correct.

Setting a meter roll-over value from the Serial Object window:

  1. Populate the Serial Object window with an equipment object, select the Testpoints/Parameters tab
  2. In the Testpoints/Parameters tab, select the relevant parameter.
  3. Right-click, then click Set Meter Roll-over Value.
  4. A dialogue box appears, showing details of the object and parameter/meter selected.
  5. Click in the field Meter Roll-over Value - edit the value to either set it, if it has not already been entered, or change it, if it is wrong. The value must be less than the latest Recorded Reading.
  6. Click OK when the data is correct.

Setting a meter roll-over value from the Functional Object window:

  1. Populate the Functional Object window with an equipment object, select the Testpoints/Parameters tab
  2.  In the Testpoints/Parameters tab, select the relevant parameter.
  3. Right-click, then click Set Meter Roll-over Value.
  4. A dialogue box appears, showing details of the object and parameter/meter selected.
  5. Click in the field Meter Roll-over Value - edit the value to either set it, if it has not already been entered, or change it, if it is wrong. The value must be less than the latest Recorded Reading.
  6. Click OK when the data is correct.