Create Isolation

The purpose of creating an Isolation is to provide a template for new work clearances, so that establishment and reestablishment information does not have to be entered manually each time a work clearance is created. The isolation also ensures that the work clearances are defined according to a certain standard. 

On an isolation you define how a part of a facility should be shut down and started up again, so that maintenance work can be carried out under safe conditions. The establishment information on the isolation defines in what sequence the equipment objects should be shut down, or if the object should be in a certain position (i.e., reduced speed, etc). The reestablishment information defines in what sequence the equipment should be started up again, and in which position the object should be in (started, full speed, etc). 

Note: In order to define what position the object should be in when entering establishment or reestablishment instructions, a position must have been defined for the object ID's object type in Equipment Basic Data/Object type.