Handle Warranty Information

In order to track warranty information for an object you can enter supplier warranty as well as customer warranty on serial object as well as functional objects. 

When entering supplier information you can define a supplier ID, warranty action, symptom and valid from and to dates. If you also would like to define what type of expenses are covered under the warranty you can create a warranty type and connect it to the supplier warranty line. To facilitate the warranty type entry, a warranty type can be created from a warranty template. The Supplier Warranty checkbox indicates that a warranty type has been connected to the supplier warranty line.

When entering customer information you can define warranty action, symptom and valid from and to dates. If you want to define what type of expenses are covered under the warranty you can create a warranty type and connect it to the customer warranty line. To facilitate the warranty type entry, a warranty type can be created from a warranty template. The Customer Warranty checkbox indicates that a warranty type has been connected to the customer warranty line.