Report Operation


This activity is used to register the actual usage of serials, recorded either as part of ground maintenance tests or post maintenance check flights. Often these testing activities have specific data recording requirements, such as, temperature at different operating ranges, flight control travel and fuel consumption. These requirements need to be recorded and made available to engineering personnel, as required. The specific aspects of each ground maintenance test activity or post maintenance test flight are often recorded on company specific test sheets and provided to operational and engineering personnel alike as source information for analysis and confirmation that a part can still meet its certification requirements.

Loggings are based on a start and finish date and the defined operational parameters for the part. Operational loggings can be reported for events that have occurred provided that the operational loggings are sequential. When the test results are recorded on company specific data sheets, these can be attached to the operational log of the part by using the Attachments panel. For more information on operational loggings, refer to the activity Report Operational Loggings.


System Effects


Serial Operational Information
Flight Log

Related Window Descriptions

Serial Operational Information
Serial Operational Information/Operational Log
Flight Log
Flight Log/Flight Info
Flight Log/Flight Info/General
Serial Part/Operational Parameters
Maintenance Plan/Oper. Param. per Maint. Group
Operational Planning


Follow this procedure to report operational loggings for a serial:

  1. Open the Serial Operational Information window and query (F3) for the necessary serial.
  2. Click the Operational Log tab.
  3. Enter dates for the logging in the Last From Date and Last To Date fields.
  4. In the Operational Event field, enter the operational event. Use the List of Values to select a valid value. Entering a value in this field is optional. If a value is entered in this field, values are required to be entered in the Assigned From and Assigned To fields as well.
  5. In the Location Code field, enter the location of the serial after the operation is completed. Entering a value in this field is optional.
  6. In the Remark field, enter a remark, if necessary.
  7. In the table, enter a value in either the Accumulated Value or Add On Value field. If this is an operational parameter to be logged in time, enter a value in the Time Difference field instead of in the Add On Value field. Perform this same change for all operational parameter records displayed in the table.
  8. Save the information (F12).

Follow this procedure to report operational loggings for a flight:

  1. Open the Flight Log window and query (F3) for the necessary flight log number and/or vehicle ID.
  2. Click the Flight Info tab and then click the General sub tab.
  3. Select the required operational plan identity (flight number) from the Operational Plan ID list.
  4. In the table, locate the serial for which operational loggings are to be reported and enter a value in either the Accumulated Value or Add on Value field. If this is an operational parameter to be logged in time, enter a value in the Time Difference field instead of in the Add On Value field. Perform this same change for all operational parameter records displayed in the table.
  5. The values in the Value After Overhaul and Value Total fields appear automatically and cannot be changed. If operational loggings are being reported on the first flight in the flight log, the value after overhaul and value total will be retrieved from the operational log. If it is any subsequent flight in the flight log, the value after overhaul and value total will be retrieved from the previous flight in the flight log.
  6. Save the information (F12).