Enter Export License Information


This activity is used to enter information about export licenses. The information is used to identify how a license should be used including possible restrictions. You can use information on different tabs to identify the criteria to match a specific license to a part in an order, to identify additional access restrictions or to view connected orders.



System Effects

As a result of this activity:


Export License

Related Window Descriptions

Export License


  1. Open the Export License window.
  2. Enter a value in the License No field.
    Note: If left blank, a unique license number will be assigned (as for the Export License ID field).
  3. Enter the description of the license number in the Description field.
  4. Enter the required value in the Authority License No field.
  5. Enter or select the relevant authority in the Issuing Authority/Customs field.
  6. Enter the issued, effective and expiry dates in the Issued Date, Effective From and Expires fields.
  7. Indicate if this export license should be automatically connected if this is the only matched license, by selecting the Auto Connect check box.
  8. Enter or select the primary classification by entering the appropriate value in the Primary Classification field.
  9. Enter or select the license type in the License Type field. The licenses type description will then appear automatically.
    Note: When creating a new license, possible template values as identified on the Export Control Basic Data/Export License Type basic data, will be pre-prompted.
  10. Indicate if the license is temporary by selecting the Temporary check box.
  11. Optionally, enter a value in the Free Text Attribute field.
  12. Optionally, indicate the applicable type of restriction by selecting Dual Third National Employee, Contract Employee and/or Sub Licensee option(s).
  13. If Document or Case check boxes are selected, it indicates that a document and/or a a case is attached to the export license.
  14. Optionally, enter applicable Business Type/End User field information.
  15. Optionally, select and enter applicable End User Certificate Required field information.
  16. Optionally, select and enter applicable Documentation Required field information.
  17. Optionally, select and enter applicable Reporting Required field information.
  18. Optionally, enter applicable Proviso field information.
  19. Optionally, enter applicable Note field information.
  20. Save the changes.
  21. Enter applicable restrictions and matching criteria on the Coverage, Site, Supplier, Customer, Forwarder, End User and End Usage tabs.
    Note: Just selecting New (F5) and Save (F12) will create a record with % sign indicating no restrictions.
  22. Enter applicable restrictions on the Consignee and Nationality tab.
    Note: Just selecting New (F5) and Save (F12) will create a record with % sign indicating no restrictions.
  23. Enter applicable access restrictions in the Access Rights tab.
    Note: Just selecting New (F5) and Save (F12) will create a record with % sign indicating no restrictions.
  24. Optionally, Right-click and Click Approve for Usage.
    Note: Just selecting New (F5) and Save (F12) will create a record with % sign indicating no restrictions.