Copy Expense ID to Mail


Use this function to send a message about an expense form to an e-mail address. The e-mail window will be shown as a new window after selecting Mail Expense Form on the right mouse button menu. The expense form ID number will automatically be shown in the message subject field followed by the purpose.

Make sure that you are in the correct expense form before selecting the e-mail function. This is done to ensure that the correct expense ID number appears in the subject field.

Note: The e-mail that is generated only contains the ID number and purpose as the subject. There is no content


Before sending the expense message via e-mail, the following must have been completed:

System Effects

As a result of this entry, the receiver of the e-mail can be quickly informed of your message regarding a special expense form ID.


Expense Sheet

Related Window Descriptions

Expense Sheet


  1. Select Mail Expense Form on the right mouse button.
  2. Enter the e-mail address and type your message in the text field.
  3. Press the Send button.