Update Object Information


This activity is used to update the information relating to a selected object after a physical count has been carried out. Updating object information is required only if the information obtained from a physical count is different from the information that already exists in the system. The information that can be updated through this activity include the site, the physical location, physical location details, the tag number and the custodian.


In order to perform this activity, the following prerequisites are required.

System Effects

As a result of this activity,


Register Object Physical Count Result

Related Window Descriptions

Register Object Physical Count Result
Located Objects Information


  1. Open the Register Object Physical Count Result window and query for the physical count which requires object information to be updated.
  2. Select the object of which information needs to be updated, right-click, and click Located to open the Located Objects Information dialog box.
  3. Edit the information in the dialog box as required.
  4. Click OK to update the information in the Register Object Physical Count Result window.