Deactivate Object

Description of process

This process is used to deactivate a fixed asset object. Deactivating an object results in making the object unavailable to be used in processes relating to fixed assets accounting.

In order to deactivate an object, no transactions should exist in the system for the object. If any transactions exist for the object, you are required to roll them back before deactivating the object.

If the object was activated in IFS Applications by using the import process, then it would be automatically deactivated when it's import transactions are rolled back. When an imported object is deactivated, its status would change from Active to Registered.

If the object to be deactivated is not an imported object, it has to be manually deactivated after rolling back all the transactions that exist for it in the system. Deactivating an object that was not imported results in a change in the object status from Active to Investment.