Clear Period Information


Use this activity to clear the period information for the selected period for the current journal, or for all the journals. As a result of this activity, all information stored for the period in the accounting journal will be cleared. This activity will not be available if the accounting journal vouchers rows are sorted by sequence number.


System Effects


Accounting Journals

Related Window Descriptions

Accounting Journals


  1. Open the Accounting Journals window.
  2. Select the accounting period line for which the period information has to be cleared, right-click and then click Clear Period Information. This will clear the period information only for the accounting journal displayed in the Journal Id.
  3. To clear the period information for all accounting journals, select the accounting period line, right-click and then click Clear Period Information for all accounting journals. This will clear the period information for the relevant period not only for the accounting journal displayed in the Journal ID but also for all the accounting journals that have been defined for the accounting year.