Enter Posting Control Information for Capitalization Counter Postings


Use this activity to enter posting types and control types for Capitalization Counter Postings for Periodical Capitalization.


Before the posting control for capitalize revenues/expenses projects can be supplemented, the following must have been completed:

System Effects

As a result of this activity, postings will be set up to use when running periodical capitalization.


Posting Control

Related Window Descriptions

Posting Control


Use the following procedure to enter information on posting control:

  1. Open Posting Control and find the posting types GP16, Capitalize Project Cost Counter Posting, and GP17, Capitalized Project Revenue Counter Posting.
  2. Enter information for each posting type. Note: Only code part A, Account, is allowed for the posting types GP16 and GP17.
  3. Save the information.
  4. Select the row for code part A, right-click and select Details, if appropriate. This opens Posting Control Details and you can enter detailed information for the control type.