Modify Mixed Payment


The Modify Mixed Payment activity is used to change erroneously entered payment transactions in a saved Mixed Payment, if necessary. This can be done as long as the Mixed Payment is not Approved. As no payments or vouchers have been created yet when the Mixed Payment is Not Approved, anything in the Mixed Payment can be changed. However, it is not possible to modify any details if the payment format is FB. 


This activity requires that information has been entered and saved in the General and Transaction tabs in the Mixed Payment activity.

System Effects

This entry does not cause any system effects until the mixed payment is Approved. At least one transaction must have been entered before the mixed payment can be Approved.


Mixed Payment

Related Window Descriptions

Mixed Payment

Modify and Approve Mixed Payment


To Modify a Mixed Payment:

  1. Open the Mixed Payment window. 
  2. In the General tab, Query for the actual mixed payment to be modified.
  3. Modify the selected payment in both the General and Transaction tabs if necessary, and save.