Enter Loading Sequence


This optional activity is used to view or change the load sequence for orders for customers on the same delivery route. This functionality would only be used for customers who order parts regularly, but in quantities smaller than full truck loads. It would only be useful if you have more than one customer with similar delivery requirements who are located close enough together to be serviced by the same delivery route. By defining the sequence that the delivery truck is loaded, you can minimize the amount of additional handling of parts during the delivery route. For example, items for the last customer on the delivery route should be loaded first, at the front of the truck cargo space, and items for the first customer on the route should be loaded last, at the back of the truck cargo space.


This activity has the following prerequisites:

System Effects

As a result of this activity:


Load Planning

Related Window Descriptions

Load Planning


  1. Open the Load Planning window. Populate the window or search for the route and ship-via for the relevant site that you want to connect customer(s) to. Alternatively, you could make a new entry.
  2. Select the customer from the the Customer No list. The default delivery address will be shown in the Address ID field. You could either select or enter another address that is defined for the customer.
  3. In the Load Seq No field, enter a number to indicate the sequence in which orders from this customer should be loaded on delivery vehicles. Lower numbers, indicating earlier loading, would be used for customers later in the delivery route.
  4. Save the record.