Specify Health Effects of Dangerous Goods


This activity is used to register the effects on personnel health because of the dangerous substance.


In order to perform this activity, routes of entry are required to be already defined in the Dangerous Goods Basic Data/Routes of Entry tab.

System Effects

There are no system effects.


Dangerous Goods Information

Related Window Descriptions

Dangerous Goods Information


  1. Open the Dangerous Goods Information window.
  2. Query or populate to find the dangerous goods ID already registered.
  3. Go to the Dangerous Goods Information/Health Effects tab.
  4. In the Route Entry field, specify the manner in which the substance could affect a person's health. E.g. Spilling of substance. You can select a value from the list.
  5. In the Danger Level field, enter a value to specify the seriousness of the danger due to the specified health effect.
  6. In the relevant fields, you can record the possible carcinogenic effects of being exposed to the substance, the signs that could be visible when exposed to the substance, the medical conditions that can arise as well as the emergency procedures that needs to be followed.
  7. Save the information.