External Supplier Invoices

[To Enter and Post Supplier Invoice]


Use this window to view or change supplier invoices and to correct invoices designated with an error code in the Check Invoices operation in Supplier Load Information. Examples of changes are adjustment of due date, invoice type, etc.

You can also view the documents attached to an invoice (e.g. the invoice image) in the Attachments panel. Documents other than e-invoice of the original invoice can also be viewed by clicking the Attachments right mouse button option. 

For an invoice of a one-time supplier, you can enter, modify or view the one-time specific information by right-clicking and clicking One-Time Specific Information.

Activity Diagrams

Enter External Supplier Invoices on File


Modify External Supplier Invoice Information
Modify External Supplier Invoice Line Information
Modify External Supplier Advance Invoice Information
Modify External Supplier Invoice Tax Information
Modify External Supplier Posting Information
Enter One-Time Supplier Specific Information