Order Tax Account Reconciliation (Tax Disbursed) Report


This activity is used to print the Tax Account Reconciliation (Tax Disbursed) report. The purpose of printing this report is to reconcile the tax amount calculated based on the taxable customer transactions, with the actual tax amount paid.


In order to perform this activity,

System Effects

As a result of this activity, the report is either printed on paper or displayed on screen.


Order Report

Related Window Descriptions



  1. Open the Order Report window.
  2. Select Tax Account Reconciliation (Tax Disbursed) from the list for the Report field.
  3. Enter the ID of the company for which you want to print the report in the Company field.
  4. Enter an ID for the report in the Report No field.
  5. In the Accounting Year field, enter the accounting year for which the report should be printed.
  6. In the Accounting Period field, enter the accounting period for which the report should be printed.
  7. Select Yes for the Report With Details field if you want to print a detailed report.
  8. If you want the report to include only transactions that belong to a particular tax account group, enter the ID of that tax account group in the Tax Account Group field.
  9. Click OK to print the report.