Change Maintenance Group


This activity is used to change the maintenance group for a serial. When the conditions that affect the use of a serial are altered, you may need to change the maintenance group connected to the serial. For example, assume your aircraft has been flying long distance for a certain period of time. However, due to the purchase of new aircraft for your fleet, this aircraft is now planned to fly short distance only. As a result, this aircraft will perform more frequent landings and would ideally find useful a maintenance group that is more focused on landing gear. Furthermore, performing a modification on a serial could also result in the necessity for a different maintenance.


System Effects


Serial Structure Information

Related Window Descriptions

Serial Structure Information/General
Define Modification/Assign Parts
Change Maintenance Program


Use this procedure to change the maintenance group for a serial that is Planned For Operation or for a serial that is either In Operation or Out Of Operation without a connected maintenance program.

  1. Open the Serial Structure Information window and query (F3) for the necessary serial.
  2. Click the General tab.
  3. In the Maint Group field, enter or change the maintenance group. Use the List of Values to select a valid value.

Note: If the maintenance group is to be changed as a result of a modification been complied with, select the maintenance group displayed in the New Maint Group field in the Define Modification/Assign Parts tab.

  1. Save the record (F12).

For all other occurrences (e.g., for a serial that is In Operation and has a connected maintenance program), you need to use the Change Maintenance Program On Serial assistant to change the current maintenance group. For more information, refer to the activity Change Maintenance Program and/or Maintenance Group for Structure.