Define Default Mfg Engineer and Planner per Site


Use this activity to store default manufacturing engineer and planner persons for a given site. The default engineering roles are used in the conversion of engineering parts into inventory parts. If the part does not already exist on the site, the default values of engineering roles appear in the conversion form. These values can be changed. If the part exists on the site, the conversion form displays the part's engineering roles.


This activity has the following prerequisites:

System Effects

As a result of this activity:


Manufacturing Standard Basic Data

Related Window Descriptions

Manufacturing Standard Basic Data
Manufacturing Standard Basic Data/Engineering Transfer Site Role
Manufacturing Standard Basic Data/Manufacturing Engineer


  1. Open the Manufacturing Standard Basic Data window.
  2. Click the Engineering Transfer Site Role tab.
  3. Select New.
  4. In the Site column, select the site to store default engineering transfer roles. Use the List of Values to select from available sites.
  5. In the Default Planner column, select the planner you want as default. Use the List of Values to select from available planners.
  6. In the Default Mfg Engineer column, select the manufacturing engineer you want as default. Use the List of Values to select from available manufacturing engineers.
  7. Save the changes.