Define Manufacturing Engineer


Use this activity to define manufacturing engineers, i.e., those people responsible for overseeing the transfer of engineering information into manufacturing.


This activity requires that personnel data must have been entered in the Person window in IFS/Enterprise for the person being defined as a manufacturing engineer.

System Effects

As a result of this activity:


Manufacturing Standard Basic Data

Related Window Descriptions

Manufacturing Standard Basic Data
Manufacturing Standard Basic Data/Manufacturing Engineer


  1. Open the Manufacturing Standard Basic Data window.
  2. Click the Manufacturing Engineer tab.
  3. Select New.
  4. In the Manuf Engineer Code column, enter or select the ID of the person you want to define as a manufacturing engineer. Use the List of Values to select from available persons. The name associated with the ID will default.
  5. If a phone number has been entered in the Person window, and the communication method is set to Phone, then the first phone number entered will default. It cannot be manually entered in the Extension field.
  6. As an option, you can enter a title of the manufacturing engineer in the Manuf Engineer Title column.
  7. Save the changes.