Define a Part Transfer Template


Use this activity to define a part transfer template to be used in the conversion from engineering parts to inventory parts. These templates provide definitions assigned to parts during the engineering transfer process.  When parts are created by that process, the system uses the specified transfer site and the part type to identify which template to use. The template can include part planning information and the planning method. The part transfer template also includes inventory and manufacturing part attributes.



System Effects

As a result of this activity:


Part Transfer Template

Related Window Descriptions

Part Transfer Template
Part Transfer Template/General
Part Transfer Template/Acquisition
Part Transfer Template/Misc Part Info
Part Transfer Template/Planning Data
Part Transfer Template/Manuf Attribute
Part Transfer Template/Alternate Components


  1. Open the Part Transfer Template
  2. Click New.
  3. Using no more than 10 alphanumeric characters, enter the name of the part transfer template in the Template ID field.
  4. Enter the description of the template in the Template Description field.
  5. Click on the General tab.
  6. Select the part type in the Part Type field.
  7. Save the record (F12).
  8. Add template-specific information in the General, Acquisition, Misc Part Info, Planning Data, Manuf Attribute and Alternate Components  tabs.
    Note: In Alternate Components tab, Include Alternate Components in Transfer check box should be selected to be able to select Overwrite existing Alternate Components and Include Alternate Components check boxes.
  9. Save the record (F12).