Replace Recipe Structure Component


This activity is used to replace a component in a selected recipe structure.

Note: If the selected structure is in a state that allows update (i.e., Tentative or Plannable) or Buildable on a site with the site rule Simplified, the system exchanges the old component for the new component. If the structure is in a state that does not allow update (Buildable state), the system phases out the old structure and its associated part revision and creates a new part revision, copying all existing structures alternatives and replacing the old component with the new component in the new structure alternative.


This activity requires that all components must be defined in Inventory Part. The structures of the parts must have been entered.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, the system replaces a component in a selected recipe structure.


Recipe Structure

Related Window Descriptions

Recipe Structure


  1. Display the parent part by clicking Populate (F2) or by making a selective query (F3).
  2. Mark the component you want to replace in the Recipe Structure tab, right-click and click Replace Component.
  3. In the Part No field in the Component In group box, select the component to phase in. Click List of Values to select from available parts.
  4. If the structure is in state that does not allow update, enter the Phase In date in the Component In group box.
  5. Click OK.