Interval Based Maintenance Programs


Interval based maintenance involves the recurring maintenance task set by the intervals given on a maintenance program.

If the functionality for access control is used in IFS/Vehicle Information Management (IFS/VIM), the maintenance program and belonging serials will be access-controlled. Only users that have specified access to the serials or maintenance program can view or update the information. For more information on access control in IFS/VIM refer the online help file VIM Access Control

The procedure for interval-based maintenance programs is as follows:

Define Maintenance Programs

This functionality allows control of revisions for a maintenance program. Different maintenance programs may be required for a certain part number due to different local, national or legal requirements where the part number is operated. Another reason for requiring different maintenance programs for a certain part number is when there are several different manufacturers of the same part. The different manufacturers can have different maintenance requirements which requires usage of different maintenance programs. 

Within each maintenance program one or more maintenance groups can be assigned for each part. Each maintenance group reflects different operational conditions, such as long or short distance, cold or warm weather, etc.

A maintenance program is the core for an interval-based maintenance program. 

Define Maintenance Plans

When the valid combination of serial parts and maintenance groups are entered for a maintenance program you can create a maintenance plan to be used for the maintenance program. A maintenance plan must be connected to a maintenance program before the maintenance program can be set active and further work on the interval-based maintenance program can be carried out.

Here, you can connect or create intervals for the maintenance plan that is to be used in the maintenance program. Intervals defined per operational parameter (time, miles, number, etc.), together with calendar time for each part and maintenance group, determines the due dates for preventive maintenance.

In addition to the primary operational parameter, which together with the calendar interval generates interval-based preventive maintenance, any number of other operational parameters may be added. These are registered by the serial part and maintenance group.

For each serial part and maintenance group, the maintenance codes (inspections, overhauls, checks) are then defined. Any number of maintenance codes may be defined with connected intervals (operational parameter and/or calendar). 

The maintenance codes that will be valid to connect to the maintenance plan used in a maintenance program are defined as basic data. When you have completed the creation of a maintenance plan these maintenance codes will be valid for all revisions of the serial part and can be connected to an instruction.

Instructions can either be created or an existing instruction can be connected to the maintenance code that is assigned to a maintenance plan. When you define instructions (operations) per part revision for the maintenance plan, you will be defining the operations to be executed on the serial parts that are to be maintained.

Calculation Rules

The calculation rule determines how calculations are performed on each maintenance code connected to the maintenance plan. The table below describes each of these rules.

Calculation RuleDescription
No CalculationThe due calculation does not consider the maintenance codes. You can use this rule, for example, for the documentation of daily inspection that you do not want to be presented in the Serial Maintenance/Interval Maint. tab.
Inspection The due date for this calculation rule is based on the Value After Overhaul of the operational parameter of the serial. Every maintenance code with this rule will repeat itself (after every cycle). Note: A maintenance code connected to this rule must have the value No Cycle in the Cycle field.
Overhaul The due date for this calculation rule is based on the Value After Overhaul of the operational parameter of the serial. Every maintenance code with this calculation rule will repeat itself (after every cycle). Note: A maintenance code connected to this calculation rule must have either No Cycle or Cycle in the Cycle field. If a number of maintenance codes are used, the calculation rule with the highest interval must have the value Cycle in the Cycle field. Otherwise the calculation will not calculate the correct due dates for overhauls with longer intervals than the task controlling the cycle.

Observe that when you perform the maintenance code set as Cycle the Value After Overhaul of all the serial's operational parameters will be reset.

Special Case The due date for this calculation rule is based on the Value Total of the operational parameter of the serial. Each maintenance code with this calculation rule that does not have a recurring interval defined will be performed only once, until the maintenance program and/or maintenance group of the serial is changed. Changing to another maintenance program and/or maintenance group and back again will cause all maintenance code with this calculation rule to become due again. If a recurring interval is defined, maintenance codes with this calculation rule will become due according to the given intervals.
Replacement The due date for this calculation rule is based on the Value After Overhaul of the operational parameter of the serial. Every maintenance code with this rule will repeat itself (after every cycle). A unique characteristic of this calculation rule is the due date, which is presented on the topmost serial of the structure in the Serial Maintenance/Interval Maint. tab, indicated with overlaying sequence. The reason for this is that you need to have the topmost serial into workshop in order to replace the component.
Manufactured Date The due date for this calculation rule is based on the number of time units after the manufactured date of the serials. Each maintenance code will be carried out only once. More due dates based on the manufactured date of the serial can be obtained by adding maintenance codes with this calculation rule.
Installed Date The due date for this calculation rule is based on the number of time units after the installation date of the serials. More due dates based on the installation date of the serial can be obtained by adding maintenance codes with this calculation rule. Each maintenance code will be performed only once until the installation date of the serial is modified or the maintenance program and/or maintenance group of the serial is changed. Changing the installation date or changing to another maintenance program and/or maintenance group and back again, will cause all maintenance codes with this calculation rule to become due again.

Rules when entering a Maintenance Plan

The maintenance codes in the maintenance plan are defined by the number of times they will be executed within the cycle (controlled by the maintenance code set as Cycle).

If a maintenance code is defined several times within the same maintenance plan, several occurrences of the same interval are not allowed. Furthermore, a maintenance code can use only one calculation rule within the same maintenance plan. You cannot indicate the calendar interval and unit for the Special Case calculation rule when the due date for this rule is based on the serial's total operational value.

The Replacement calculation rule is used when a serial is replaced before an action is made, e.g., when an engine is replaced before an overhaul. You define the replacement of the serial in the maintenance plan. The replacement must be done independent of the task that is the cause of the replacement. When you calculate the due date of the replacement the task is due for the vehicle on the top level.

Internal dependencies in the maintenance plan indicate that the accomplishment of a task will lead to the accomplishment of dependent tasks. For example, the accomplishment of Task E2 will also accomplish Task E1. As mentioned earlier, the calculation rule Replacement must indicate the dependency to the task that is the cause of the replacement. For other calculation rules internal dependencies are an option. Note: You cannot define internal dependencies with circular references. The graphic and table below show the allowed connections of internal dependencies according to the calculation rule of the tasks.


Calculation Rule Rules for Internal Dependencies
No Calculation The due calculation does not consider the maintenance codes. You can use this rule, for example, for the documentation of daily inspection that you do not want to be laid out in the serial's interval maintenance plan.
Replacement The calculation rule can be dependent on other maintenance codes if they have the Inspection or Overhaul calculation rule. The Replacement calculation rule cannot have maintenance codes dependent on it.
Special Case The calculation rule cannot be dependent on other maintenance codes. Maintenance codes can be dependent on it if they have the No Calculation calculation rule.
Inspection The calculation rule can be dependent on other maintenance codes if they have the Inspection or Overhaul calculation rule. The calculation rule can have maintenance codes that are dependent on it, if they have the No Calculation, Inspection or Replacement calculation rule.
Overhaul The calculation rule can be dependent on other maintenance codes if they have the Overhaul calculation rule. The calculation rule can have maintenance codes dependent on it, if they have the No Calculation, Replacement, Inspection or Overhaul calculation rule.

An example of a maintenance plan for a vehicle is shown below. For simplicity only the operation intervals are shown.

CodeIntervalCalculation RuleCycle
E1 50Inspection No cycle
E2100Inspection No cycle
E1150Inspection No cycle
SP1180Special case No cycle
E3200Inspection No cycle
E1250Inspection No cycle
E4300Inspection No cycle
E1350Inspection No cycle
OH400 Overhaul Cycle
SP1450Special case No cycle
SP11700Special case No cycle

An example of a maintenance plan for a serial is shown below. For simplicity only the operation intervals are shown.

CodeIntervalCalculation RuleCycle
BY600ReplacementNo cycle

For a due calculation of this maintenance plan for a serial, accomplished maintenance, existing operational values, and intervals in the maintenance plan are considered. If the due dates for two maintenance codes are identical, e.g., OH and BY occurs on the same time at the operational value 600, the due date for both maintenance codes will occur in the Serial Maintenance/Interval Maint. tab. If a maintenance code with the Replacement calculation rule is due in the Serial Maintenance/Interval Maint. tab, the due date is presented for the vehicle tagged with the serial article and serial number. An example for serial FL02 is shown below: 

E150 1/5/98 2/5/98
E21001/6/98 3/6/98
E11501/7/98 2/7/98
SP118010/7/98 12/7/98 One time occurrence.
E32001/8/98 4/8/98
E12501/9/98 2/9/98
E43001/10/98 4/10/98
E13501/11/98 2/11/98
OH4001/12/98 7/12/98
SP14501/1/99 3/1/99 One time occurrence.
SP117001/1/01 3/1/01 One time occurrence.

Recurring Calculation

To ease the registration of maintenance plans where maintenance codes repeat themselves in equal intervals, recurring calculation can be used. A basic maintenance interval or calendar interval and a repetitive interval or calendar interval is stated. The due calculation will lay out the correct number of due dates within the cycle (controlled by the Cycle field). 

For the Inspection, Special Case and Replacement calculation rules, recurring calculation can be used freely. For the Overhaul calculation rule, recurring calculation is allowed as far as maintenance does not control the cycle. For the Manufactured Date and Installed Date calculation rules, recurring calculation is not allowed.

When you use recurring calculation for the Special Case calculation rule, two due dates (next + 1) are always calculated for the maintenance code. This is because this calculation rule is controlled by the total operational value and does not follow the normal cycle or no cycle. It will also be like this for other calculation rules with recurring calculation where the maintenance plan lacks a cycle.  

An example of a maintenance plan with recurring calculation for a vehicle is shown below (corresponding to the plan above, but the maintenance code E1 is controlled with recurring calculation).  For simplicity only the operational intervals are shown:

CodeIntervalRepeating IntervalCalculation RuleCycle
E1 50100Inspection No cycle
E2100Inspection No cycle
SP1180Special case No cycle
E3200Inspection No cycle
E4300Inspection No cycle
OH400 Overhaul Cycle
SP1450Special case No cycle
SP11700Special case No cycle

A due calculation of this maintenance plan for one serial, considers accomplished maintenance, existing operational values, and intervals in the maintenance plan. An example of due dates for the serial FL02 used in the maintenance plan above is shown below:

E150 1/5/98 2/5/98
E21001/6/98 3/6/98
E11501/7/98 2/7/98 Repetitive (50 + repetitive interval).
SP118010/7/98 12/7/98 One time occurrence.
E32001/8/98 4/8/98
E12501/9/98 2/9/98 Repetitive (150 + repetitive interval).
E43001/10/98 4/10/98
E13501/11/98 2/11/98 Repetitive (250 + repetitive interval).
OH4001/12/98 7/12/98
SP14501/1/99 3/1/99 One time occurrence.
SP117001/1/01 3/1/01 One time occurrence.

An example of a maintenance plan with reiterating calculation for a vehicle is shown below. The maintenance plan lacks a cycle. For simplicity only the operational intervals are shown:

CodeIntervalRepeating IntervalCalculation RuleCycle
E1 5050Inspection No cycle
SPC2400600Special caseNo cycle

An example of due dates for the serial FL02 used in the maintenance plan is shown below:

E150 1/5/98 2/5/98
E11001/6/98 3/6/98 Repetitive (50 + repetitive interval).
SPC 2400 1/4/02 3/4/02
SPC30001/4/03 3/4/03 Repetitive (2400 + repetitive interval).

Use of Tolerance

For interval based maintenance, tolerances can be stated for each maintenance code. If you are outside the tolerance, the use of tolerance ensures that the next maintenance with an identical maintenance code is transferred in time. 

The main rules for using tolerance are shown in the table below:

The maintenance is carried out within the tolerances Independent of the operational value, the planned interval (nominal value) is logged as the maintenance value. There will be no displacement in time for the next maintenance.
The maintenance is carried out earlier than the lower tolerance The present operational value (value after overhaul) is used to log the maintenance value. The next maintenance with an identical maintenance code will be equally displaced in time (accordingly carried out earlier).
The maintenance is carried out later than the upper tolerance The same as the one carried out within the tolerance. Deviations from this can be reported, so the present operational value (value after overhaul) is used to log the maintenance value. The next maintenance with an identical maintenance code will be equally displaced in time (accordingly carried out later).

Use of Based on Performed Date

When the Based on Performed Date check box is selected for a maintenance code, all subsequent work in the maintenance plan will be based on the sign off date of the last performed maintenance (based on performed date) regardless of the maintenance code. Therefore when this feature is used, the maintenance due dates will be calculated as follows:

Next Interval Due Date = Sign Off Date of the task + Duration in Workshop of last performed maintenance code + Interval

Following Interval Due Date = Previous Due Date + Interval

If this check box is not selected for the interval maintenance, the maintenance due dates will be calculated as follows:

Next Interval Due Date = Sign Off Date of the task + Interval

Following Interval Due Date = Previous Due Date + Interval

Adjusting Calendar Based Maintenance

The default behavior for calendar based maintenance is:

Note: The setting for Cal. Int. - Adjust if done Early and Cal. Int. Adjust if done Late will not have any effect if the Based on Performed Date check box is selected on the maintenance plan.

Whenever an interval maintenance is signed off, the Maint Date field in Serial Maintenance/Last Maint will display the actual end date of the last execution for each maintenance code. This also applies for adjusted calendar based intervals. In addition to the execution date the Calendar Correction field (in Serial Maintenance/Last Maint) keeps track of how many days the next occurrence should be shifted backward (negative value) or forward (positive value). The value in the Calendar Correction field is calculated when a calendar based interval maintenance is signed off.

The different settings in the maintenance plan affects how the Calendar Correction is calculated. These are the rules for the different settings of the Cal. Int. - Adjust if done Early and Cal. Int. - Adjust if done Late in the maintenance plan:

When the due calculation is executed for a calendar based maintenance the value of the Calendar Correction field is taken into account.

Note: The suggested Calendar Correction can be changed in the Component Life/Interval Maint tab. This is useful when you are entering start values for tolerance enabled calendar plans that require a different correction value in order to calculate the correct start or due date. The different settings in the maintenance plan affects how Calendar Correction is entered in the Interval Maint tab:

Object Properties that affect the calculation

The object properties that affect the calculation of tasks and due dates are as follows: