Define a Convenience Task


This activity is used to define convenience tasks. A convenience task is identified by its nature to occur unpredictably but execute through a fixed setup. Examples of such tasks are bird-strike inspection, heavy landing inspection and cabin version changes.

To define a convenience task you must register a valid maintenance code for the combination of maintenance program and maintenance group. When the maintenance code is connected to an instruction, it is possible to define any work, materials or tools/facilities required to complete the convenience task.

Note: It is not possible to define convenience tasks using maintenance codes already defined in the Maintenance Plan/Intervals tab. In the same way, it will not be possible to define maintenance intervals by using the maintenance codes already defined for convenience tasks.


System Effects

As a result of this activity, the convenience task is defined and you can specify the actions that need to be performed to resolve the task.


Maintenance Plan

Related Window Descriptions

Maintenance Plan
Maintenance Plan/Convenience Task


  1. Open the Maintenance Plan window.
  2. Query (F3) for the necessary maintenance program and maintenance group.
  3. Click the Convenience Task tab and create a new record (F5).
  4. In the Maint Code field, enter the maintenance code for the convenience task. Use the List of Values to select a valid value.
  5. In the Task Remark field, enter any additional information on the convenience task. Entering a value in this field is optional. Double-clicking on the field will open a text editor where you can enter text in a more convenient fashion. When a task is created for the convenience task, this information will be transferred to the Task Remark field of the corresponding task record on the maintenance order.
  6. Save the information (F12).