Enter Number Series for Report Types


This activity is used to create new numbering series for Inventory Transaction Report Types. The numbering of inventory transaction reports helps to keep a track on all the documents that are generated, hence it rules out the possibility of any missing documents. You can enter a number series per site and also optionally a number series per site and warehouse.

To create an inventory transaction report it is required to define at least one number series for the desired report type. If you want to generate reports per site you have the option of only defining number series per site but if you are creating reports per site and warehouse, it is necessary to define the number series for both the site and the warehouse.


The required inventory transaction report types must be predefined in the system.

System Effects

As a result of this activity a numbering series of your choice will be created for the specified inventory transaction report type.


Inventory Transaction Report Basic Data

Related Window Descriptions

Inventory Transaction Report Basic Data
Inventory Transaction Report Basic Data/Report Type Number Series


To enter a numbering series, when creating an inventory transaction report per site:

  1. Open the  Inventory Transaction Report Basic Data window and click the Report Type Number Series tab. 
  2. Populate or query for the desired company in the Company list box. The report type IDs defined for the chosen company will be automatically displayed in the Report Type list box.
  3. Select the report type ID that you wish to create a numbering series, from the Report Type list box.
  4. Create a new record in the Site field and select the desired value from the List of Values. You can also use the Zoom functionality and create a new site in the Site window.
  5. Specify the date, the numbering series is going to be valid from, in the Valid From field.
  6. Enter the starting number of the series in the Start Value Field and the ending number of the series in the End Value field.
  7. Save the record.

To enter a numbering series, when creating an inventory transaction report per site and warehouse:

  1. Open the Inventory Transaction Report Basic Data window and click the Report Type Number Series tab. 
  2. Populate or query for the desired company in the Company list box. The report type IDs defined for the chosen company will be automatically displayed in the Report Type list box.
  3. Select the report type ID that you wish to create a numbering series, from the Report Type list box.
  4. Create a new record in the Site field and select the desired value from the List of Values. You can also use the Zoom functionality and create a new Site in the Site window.
  5. In the Warehouse field, select the desired warehouse from the List of Values.
  6. Specify the date the numbering series is going to be valid from, in the Valid From field.
  7. Enter the staring number of the series in the Start Value Field and the ending number of the series in the End Value field.
  8. Save the record.