Print Requisition Pick List


In Material Requisition, select the Pick List for Material Requisition - Printout… function in the Operations menu to print a pick list for the material requisition. Among other things, information about order number, part number, inventory location, any serial number, due date, delivery date, and quantity to pick are printed on the pick list. The pick list is used to inform the picking staff of what and how much to pick for each specific order.


System Effects

A pick list for the material requisition is printed out. If, for example, only one of five requisition lines was reserved when printing the pick list, only the reserved one is printed.


Material Requisition

Related Window Descriptions

Material Requisition


  1. Populate or query for your material requisition.
  2. Select the Pick List for Material Requisition - Printout… function in the Operations menu to print a pick list.