Execute Transport Task


You can create a transport task either in IFS/Inventory or in IFS/Purchasing. You may also have modified the transport task and also printed a transport task report, so the truck driver is informed about the task. The goods (single handled parts and/or pallets) are then physically moved by the truck driver. Then the truck driver, or any other relevant system user, will confirm the transport task in the system. When you execute the transport task, the move is realized in the system as well.

Transport tasks are handled different in different parts of IFS Applications. In most parts of IFS/Inventory, for example, transport tasks can be used for all kinds of goods. The receipt handling in IFS/Purchasing, however, only supports transport tasks for pallets.

Single-handled parts can be received into inventory location types: picking, floor stock, shipment, and production line. When you receive pallets into a pallet location, the location type can be pallet, pallet deep, or pallet buffer. If the pallet is received into the first two location types, the pallet can be reserved and delivered to a customer. The latter location type is used only as a refill source when needed.

The procedures below describe how to execute transport tasks in IFS/Inventory as well as in IFS/Purchasing.


System Effects

The system executes the movement of the goods and changes the status of the transport task to Executed.


Purchase Order Receipt
Transport Task
Transport Tasks
Handle Pallets on Delivery Locations

Related Window Descriptions

Purchase Order Receipt
Purchase Order Receipt/Pallet
Transport Task
Transport Tasks
Handle Pallets on Delivery Locations


From the Purchase Order Receipt/Pallet tab or the Handle Pallets on Delivery Location window:

  1. Either populate or query for the order number you require. If you have several receipts for an order, you also must select the correct receipt number by using the list in the Order No field.
  2. Select the Pallet tab.
  3. In the lower part of the window, select the appropriate line(s), right click and then click Transport Task to open the Transport Task window.
  4. Right-click and then click, Execute. Click OK to move the parts to the destination location.

From the Transport Task and Transport Tasks windows:

  1. Either populate or query for the required transport task ID.
  2. On the Transport Task window header, right-click and then click Execute. On the Transport Tasks window, select the appropriate line(s), right click and then click Execute.
  3. Click OK to move the parts to the destination location.
  4. If the part is serial tracked at receipt and issue but not serial tracked in inventory, and has been moved to another site, then a dialog box appears where the serial number(s) that has been moved should be identified.
  5. Click OK when completed.