Print IL Voucher Detail Report


Use this activity to print the Voucher Detail Report. The report shows voucher information either from the internal hold table or from the internal ledger. The voucher information is printed according to the selection of data specified by the user.


Before the report can be ordered, the following must have been completed:

System Effects

As a result of this activity, the report is printed either on paper or to the screen display.


IL Voucher Detail Report

Related Window Descriptions

IL Voucher Detail Report


Use the following procedure to order and print the report:

  1. Open IL Voucher Detail Report.
  2. Specify the internal ledger to which the printout applies, by using the Ledger ID button. Use the Company button to change the company if appropriate.
  3. Specify if the report is to apply to updated vouchers or to vouchers in the hold table.
  4. Specify the interval of voucher types. Use the List button to view and select the alternative values.
  5. Specify whether the selection is to be based on period or on date.
  6. Specify the period interval or the voucher date interval for the printout.
  7. Generate printing by clicking the Print button. Use the Preview button to view the report on the screen. The report layout appears in the Preview window. The report can then be printed by using the Print button.

Note: You can also order and print the report via Info Services/Order Reports.