Add Structure Component


This activity is used to add a component to a multilevel structure during the multilevel repair process.


Multilevel repair shop order should exist with the parent part in the Reserved or Issued state.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, the changes done to the component is written to the repair history. New components added are copied to the Shop order/Material tab. When receiving the repair shop order, a new as-built structure is created with the changes done.


Shop Order

Related Window Descriptions

Component Replacement Details


  1. Open the Shop Order window and query for your multilevel repair shop order.
  2. Make sure that the state of the parent material line is Reserved or Issued.
  3. Open the Multilevel Repair Structure tab.
  4. Select the top part from the graphical tree structure, right click and then click Expand Descendents.
  5. Select the revision node of the parent part to which you want to add a component.
  6. Right-click and then click Component Replacement to open the Component Replacement Details dialog box with the parent part you selected in the header as the parent part.
  7. Click Add to create a new record in the table. Since you are adding a new component, Repair Action will be defaulted to Add and the original component data will be displayed as null in the added record. You have to enter values related to the new component in the replace component fields. 
  8. In the Replace Part No field, enter the part number you want to add from the List of Values.
  9. Enter the required component quantity either in the Replace Quantity or Replace QPA field. Here you can see the suggested component quantity in the  Calc Comp Qty field.
  10. Enter the repair reason for the structure changes from the List of Values.
  11. Click Apply or OK.

Note: If the component you are adding is serial-tracked, then the quantity should always be 1. You may add multiple lines for each serial component.
You can select Exclude from As-Built structure, If you do not want to add the new component to the new as-built structure which is created when receiving the multilevel repair shop order.