Supply for Master Scheduling

In IFS/Master Scheduling, supply for a part can come from various sources. Proposed master scheduling receipts are system-generated and exist outside the planning time fence. These receipts are in response to total demand, which is the sum of unconsumed forecasts and actual demand.

Fixed master scheduling receipts can be either manual or system-generated. The system generates fixed receipts automatically as proposed receipts cross the planning time fence. These receipts may have corresponding shop proposals, non-firm production schedules, purchase requisitions or distribution orders depending on the Create S/P Req value that has been selected in the MS Level 1 Part window. Alternatively, you can create fixed receipts manually, either inside or outside the planning time fence.

Supply shop orders, firm production schedules, delivery authorized supplier schedules and purchase orders are also possible supply sources. These are usually derived from shop proposals, non-firm production schedules, purchase requisitions, non-delivery authorized supplier schedules and distribution orders.

Master scheduling generates supply proposals according to the planning attributes set for the part. The values that determine the type of supply proposal generated include the Part Type defined on the General tab on the Inventory Part window, the default supply type defined on the Planning Data tab, and the proposal release value defined on the Planning Data tab. The Proposal Release check box indicates whether master scheduling should generate proposals for a part. The part type indicates whether a part is regarded as a manufactured part or a purchased part, and indicates appropriate corresponding proposal types. Optionally, you can define a manufactured/acquired split and associated percentages on the Planning Data tab. If a split is defined, you can override the default supply type with specific values for the Manufactured supply type and the Purchase supply type. Distribution orders are generated for Multi-Site Planned parts defined on the General tab of the Supplier for Purchase Part window.  In the case of multi-site planned parts, distribution orders are always generated, overriding the normal supply type for the part.