Cancel Customer Check Mixed Payment


This activity is used to cancel a customer check including the matching in Mixed Payment. The Cancel Customer check activity s needed if a customer check which was cashed in Mixed Payment must be canceled while it s not possible to cancel the complete Mixed Payment.

When cancelling a customer check a Cancellation Reason must be entered to explain why the check has been canceled.


In order to perform this activity:

System Effects


Mixed Payment

Related Window Descriptions

Mixed Payment
Cancel Check


To cancel a customer check in Mixed Payment:

  1. Open the Mixed Payment window and query for the mixed payment which includes the customer check payment which you want to cancel..
  2. Highlight the customer payment transaction with the check number in the Transactions tab, right-click and click Cancel Check.
  3. You get the information that the transaction will be canceled and that the Cancel Mixed Payment function will not be available afterwards. Click OK to continue.
  4. Select a check cancellation reason from the List of values in the Check Cancellation Reason field in the Cancel Check dialog box if the suggested default cancellation reason is not appropriate.
  5. Click OK to cancel the check. The Message dialog box gives the information on the created payment and voucher.