Payment File Trace Information


This activity is used to view information about status changes and on electronic payment address information on items created by electronic payment orders by file. Both the payer's/payee's and the own payment address data can be viewed for both payer's and P. It is possible to analyze Payment File Trace Information by order ids, payment methods, dates, payers/payees, payment address data etc.

To view the electronic payment addresses with the client mappings or in the payment address presentation of the used payment format, the window Electronic Payment Address can be opened.

Payment File Trace Information which is no longer needed can be removed by a Cleanup task.


This activity requires that a customer or supplier payment order has been created using a payment method that generates payment trace information.

System Effects

As a result of this activity payment address data of electronic payments by file and status changes of payment order items can be traced.


Payment File Trace Information
Customer Payment Order
Supplier Payment Order

Related Window Descriptions

Payment File Trace Information
Electronic Payment Address
Cleanup of Payment File Trace Information
Customer Payment Order
Supplier Payment Order


 View Payment File Information using the Payment File Trace Information window:

  1. Open the Payment File Trace Information window.
  2. Click Search to find the items that you want to analyze.
  3. Select the item for which you want to view payment address information with client mapping and payment address presentation by right-click and click Electronic Payment Address to open the Electronic Payment Address window.
  4. To remove payment file trace information which is no longer needed, right-click and click Cleanup of Payment File Trace Information. Enter the selection criteria and start the task.

View Payment File Information using the Customer Payment Orders or Supplier Payment Orders window:

  1. Open the Customer Payment Orders or Supplier Payment Orders window and
  2. Click Populate or Search to find the payment order for which you want to view payment file trace information.
  3. Select a payment order connected to a payment method which has payment trace information and right-click and click Payment File Trace Information to open the Payment File Trace Information window.
  4. Select the item for which you want to view payment address information with client mapping and payment address presentation by right-click and click Electronic Payment Address to open the Electronic Payment Address window.