CAMRO Interim Order Structure

[About Interim Demand Structures] [About CAMRO Interim Order Structures] [About Monolithic Structures and Routings]

[To Execute Work Scope]


Use this window and its tabs to maintain an interim demand for maintenance, repair, and overhaul (MRO) and to generate the supply shop orders which correspond to the interim orders. 

In MRO, the interim order structure provides the user with a means to estimate the feasibility of the overhaul before disassembly ever begins. This window and its tabs supply the user with data to evaluate both the schedule and the internal costs associated with this interim order structure. Based on operation lead times specified in the maintenance level routing, the user can see how the schedule for disassembly, disposition and assembly will lay out, and whether the need date for the assembled overhaul part can be met. If necessary, the user can make adjustments to the dates within the interim order structure and propagate those dates up or down the structure. The window also provides the user with costing information - estimated costs before execution has begun and actual costs thereafter - to help determine whether price associated with the service agreement will generate an internal profit or loss.

In addition the interim order structure provides a pegging mechanism - lacking in shop orders -  whereby the components from disassembly orders can be pegged to disposition orders, and components from disposition orders to assembly orders, with intervening repair orders as required. An interim demand head represents the top of an interim demand structure. This form displays that relationship graphically, with links to the corresponding supply shop orders. Two graphical outline windows display the resulting set of pegged component orders, multi-level if necessary, and their associated operations and/or work guidelines.

Once the user is satisfied with the initial schedule and estimated costs for the interim order structure, they can release the interim order structure either all at once, by interim order type, by structure or order by order. The release process  creates the supply shop orders that execute the work of disassembly, disposition and assembly. These shop orders will be scheduled upon creation, either by the shop order loader or by CBS. Alternately, the user can cancel the interim order structure.

After the interim orders in the order structure have been released to create supply shop orders, you can either update the scheduled start and finish dates on the interim order from the supply shop orders (by right-clicking and clicking Update Dates From Supply) or update the shop order dates from the start and supply dates on the interim orders (by right-clicking and clicking Propagate Dates To Supply).

If it is necessary to finite reschedule the supply shop orders at a later time, e.g., after disconnecting a repair shop order from the structure, the user can do so by right- clicking and then clicking Finite Schedule Order.

For a description of each tab in the window, follow the appropriate link: Tree Structure, Detail, Alarms, History, Disconnected Repair Orders, Costs, Cost Build-Up Graph, Prelim. Conformance Log.

Activity Diagrams

Handle order structure
Reserve and issue components


Release disassembly orders
Release disposition orders
Release assembly orders
Generate alarms
Update dates from supply
Propagate dates downstream
Propagate dates upstream
Propagate dates to supply
Finite schedule order
Calculate costs
Close all shop orders