Repair Setup Basic Data/Repair Code

[About MRO Manufacturing Operational Data]

[To Repair Setup] [To Manage CRO Request]


Use this tab to create repair codes. Repair codes represent generic definitions of repair activity used to perform or build up a repair. Generic repair code examples for an engine might be: Change Oil, Flush Radiator, Adjust Timing Belt, etc. Alternatively, repair codes could be defined at a more detailed level - Remove Oil Drain Plug, Drain Oil, Replace Oil Filter, Add Oil - and used to build up a repair (e.g., change oil).

Sets of one or more repair codes are then built up as a way to identify the steps required to repair a modification or discrepancy. Repair codes are also used in combination with monolithic repair structures and routings to to define the set of operations and components are needed to perform a specific repair code on a particular part.

Repair codes must be associated with inventory parts before they can be used. This association can be done in either the Repair Setup Basic Data/Repair Code Part tab, where the parts can be associated with individual repair codes, or the Inventory Part/Manufacturing MRO/Repair Codes tab, where the repair codes can be associated with individual parts.

Activity Diagrams

Define MRO manufacturing operational data


Define repair code
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