Virtual Map

IFS/Virtual Map enables the presentation of business objects in IFS Applications such as Equipment Objects, Work Orders and Customers on a virtual map and facilitates the drawing of routes between them. A business object can be connected to one or more geographical positions through the creation of position objects on the map. It is possible to configure, depending on the user's requirement, the types of business objects that can have position objects attached to the map using IFS/Solution Manager.

Configuring Position Object Particulars

It is possible to configure, for a particular type of business object, the content and presentation of information displayed alongside the attached position object on the map. This is achieved by configuring information boxes, associated search, icon, alert and route settings.

When configuring the information boxes for a business object, it is possible to add fields that are commonly associated with a particular business object and their values. It is also possible to create links from the information box to overview and detail windows for these business objects. Additional formatting of information can also be done by editing the html content directly. It is also possible to modify the default icon for a business object and its presentation and define alert criteria with which attention can be drawn to important business objects. You can also define settings on how routes should be drawn between required business objects on the map.

Defining User Settings on the Map

It is possible to define settings on the map specific for a particular user. These include:

Working with Position Objects

A position object is the representation of a particular business object at a geographical position on the map. The position object will be attached to the business object.

Most position objects should be manually attached to a business object, however if the business object has an address connected to it, a geographical position object can be created after its position has been retrieved. This is applicable in the case of equipment objects. After the object address has been defined, each segment of the address can be mapped to address elements so that the position of the equipment object can be retrieved. For example, the Zip Code 114 51 defined on the equipment object needs to be mapped to the Postal Code part of the address. Refer to the Address Class Microsoft documentation for more details. After the position of an object has been successfully retrieved or transferred, position objects will be created connected to the equipment objects on the map.

After one or more position objects have been created for a business object it is possible to view them on the map and choose from options to zoom, pan and switch between the aerial and road views of the map. A number of settings are available for the map that are user specific and therefore stored in the user profile. These are the starting position for the map, scale bar properties and general map settings like information displays, Quick Search display, default search and auto refresh properties. The starting position of the map will be saved as the exact position and aspect (longitude, latitude, zoom level, view) at which you choose to set it. It is also possible to save user-defined searches and display them in the Quick Search section of the map for easy viewing.