Move Voided Flights


This activity is used to move voided flights from a closed or voided flight log to another open flight log. Note however that if the Connected to Operational Event check box is selected for a flight, you will not be allowed to move the flight to another vehicle as the flight is specific to the vehicle for which it was defined.

If a flight is to be moved from a voided flight log to an open flight log for the same vehicle, all connected flight log data such as fault information, condition measurements and flight servicing activities can be moved to the new flight log. If a flight is moved from a voided flight log to an open flight log for a different vehicle, only connected flight servicing activities can be moved. When moving flights from a closed flight log, data connected to the closed flight log will not be moved. Only data connected directly to the voided flights (e.g., fault data for the same vehicle and flight servicing activities) will be moved to the new flight log.


System Effects


Flight Log

Related Window Descriptions

Flight Log
Move Voided Flights - Dialog Box 


  1. Open the Flight Log window and populate (F2) or query (F3) for your flight log number and/or serial, i.e., the flight log to which flights are to be moved.
  2. Right-click and then click Move Voided Flights. The Move Voided Flights dialog box opens.
  3. In the Move from Flight Log No field, enter the flight log number of the flight log from which voided flights are to be moved. Click List to select a valid value.
  4. Select the Move connected Flight Servicing Activities, Condition Meas. and Faults check box if faults, fault actions, condition measurements and/or flight servicing activities should be moved to the current flight log. This is only valid when moving flights from a voided flight log to a open flight log for the same vehicle.

Note: Fault data and flight servicing activities can also be connected directly to a flight, in which case the fault and flight servicing activities for the flight will be moved if the particular flight is selected. This will be the case when moving voided flights from either a closed or voided flight log.

  1. Select the Move connected Flight Servicing Activities check box, if flight servicing activities are to be moved to the current flight log. This is only valid when the voided flight log is defined for a different vehicle than the current flight log.

Note: Flight servicing activities can also be connected directly to a flight, in which case the flight servicing activities for the flight will be moved if the particular flight is selected. This will be the case when moving voided flights from either a closed or voided flight log.

  1. Select the Move? check box for the flights that are to be moved to the current flight log.
  2. Save the information (F12).