Shipment/Handling Unit Structure

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Use this window to define the contents and/or handling unit structure of the shipment. The purpose of a handling unit structure is to enable registering handling units with or without their contents in terms of part number, quantity, lot/batch number etc. as they are packed for the shipment. Together with a detailed definition of part unit weight and package material weight (tare), it is also possible to automatically calculate the correct net and gross weight as well as the total volume of the whole shipment. However, the gross weight and volume can also be manually entered per handling unit. The dimensions of the handling units can also be seen and updated. Note that dimensions for the shipment are retrieved from the outer most package. Some of these measures are then used for transport planning or ordering, and are also printed on labels and transport documents.

It is possible to generate a handling structure and attach parts automatically using the definition for handling unit capacity or packing instruction. It is also possible to manually modify or create a new structure in a more manual way. A handling unit structure on a shipment can be a multi-level structure. This means that the handling unit structure can be defined as just being one level, for example all parts packed on a pallet, or can be an n-level structure, for example small boxes packed into larger boxes which are then put on a pallet (this would represent a 3-level structure).

The composition of a handling unit can be described as three different types:

When a structure is generated, it automatically detects the composition of the handling unit.

The structure provides detail tracking such as, in which box and on which pallet a specific part number (order line) was sent to the customer. The data available in the structure table is also used for creating the dispatch advice that can be sent from a shipment, and is also the base for package information printed on the consignment note. It is also possible to create a serial shipping container code (SSCC) for an existing shipment. This is done for the relevant handling unit nodes.

If required, a handling unit can be reassigned from one shipment to another new or an existing shipment. There are several situations where it may be necessary to reassign a handling unit, for example to handle a limited transport capacity, a backorder situation where you want to prepare the next delivery in advance, a customer requiring a certain delivery schedule etc.

For the description of each tab in the window, follow the appropriate link: Handling Units, Unattached Shipment Lines, Unattached Shipment Reservations, Attached Shipment Reservations.

Activity Diagrams

Packing of Goods


Add Handling Unit
Apply Packing Instruction
Delete Handling Unit
Modify View of Structure
Move Handling Unit
Reassign Handling Unit
Create SSCC for Handling Unit
Print Handling Unit Labels