Define Organization Structure


This activity is used to define and arrange organization units that from the organization structure. The arrangement of organization units should be hierarchic, with subordinate units connected to their respective parents. The ID selected in the header will determine if the structure is made for a company or a matrix organization.

Note: Matrix organization structures can be shared between multiple companies, while company structures are company specific.


In order to perform this activity, a matrix structure ID has to be registered in the system.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, the organization structure of an organization will be defined or modified.


Graphical Organization Structure

Related Window Descriptions

Graphical Organization Structure, Graphical Organization Structure/General


  1. Open the Graphical Organization Structure window.
  2. Search or populate to find the appropriate structure ID.
  3. On the Organization Structure tab, click on any field in the General tab and create a new record.
  4. In the Org Code field, enter the code for the organization unit.
  5. Enter the level of the organization unit in the Org Level Name field. Use the list of values.
    The organization level you select has to have a lower or equal rank than the org level of the parent organization code.
  6. In the Org Code Alias field, you can enter the alias organization code. It can have only numerical values so it can be used in clocking terminals that do not recognize other characters.
  7. Enter the validity period for the structure element in the Valid From and Valid To fields.
  8. If you select the Exclusive Registration check box, only employees assigned to the organization unit will be able to register data in it.
  9. Save the information.

Note: To add more units, select a parent organization unit from the graphical object structure, click in any field on the General tab, and add a new record. This will let you create a unit subordinate to the unit selected. You can move units around by dragging and dropping them in the object structure.