Analyze Equipment Object Stop


Use this activity to analyze all stop events reported on your production unit during a certain period of time. You can view/analyze this information by using a tree map graph as illustrated in this activity. In a tree map graph, stop events are grouped according to the objects on which they are reported, and can be viewed using the Color dimension and Size dimension. With IFS/OEE it will be possible to set (and analyze) the total stop length against the number of stop events and vice versa.

In general, big red areas in the graph denote problems and small green areas denote that there are no problems. For example, assume you have chosen to display Sum Stop Length by Size and Amount Stops by Color in the graph. Here, an increased area size for an object will indicate a higher sum of the stop length, while the more red in color an object area is the larger the amount of stops reported. This type of visualization simplifies the task of analyzing a large amount of data; thereby easing the task of making conclusions on the reported events.

Following is a list of available options to choose from when viewing information in the tree map graph:

Note: The parent object of the child objects shown in the graph will be displayed in its own area in the graph as well. Sometimes events may have been reported on an incorrect level in the object structure and this data may not show during an analysis. To avoid this loss of data when analyzing, the parent object is included in the graph together with its child objects.

The lower part of the Object Structure Stop Analysis window contains the available filter options. By default, this section will not be shown when the window is opened. You can use the right mouse button option Show Search Criteria to display this section. Here, you can specify the time period for analysis as well as the data you want included in the analysis.



System Effects

Stop events reported during the specified time period and which are shown in the graph can be analyzed using color and size features.

Related Window Descriptions

Object Structure Stop Analysis


Use this procedure to analyze all stop events reported on the production unit during a specified time period:

  1. Open the Object Structure Stop Analysis window for the production unit you want.
  2. By default, the Squarified view will be shown in the window. If you want to change this view to another, select from the values available in the Partitioning Method list.
  3. Select the Show Border check box to display borders on the graph.
  4. Select the Show Labels check box to display labels on the graph.
  5. In the Maximum Depth list, enter or select a numerical value signifying the number of levels in the object structure you want shown in the graph.
  6. In the Label list, select the attribute that is to be used as the label in the graph, for instance, the object ID or object description.
  7. In the Size list, select the attribute that is to be used for viewing the Size dimension in the graph.
  8. To change the Size, click on the center of the ruler and - while holding - move the ruler to the left (minimize) or right (maximize). You can also change the Size by manually entering values in the fields.
  9. In the Color list, select the attribute that is to be used for viewing the Color dimension in the graph.
  10. To change the Color, click on the center of the ruler and hold down the left mouse button while moving the ruler to the left (minimize) or right (maximize). You can also change the Color by manually entering values in the fields.
  11. To view available filter options, right-click anywhere in the window, and then click Show Search Criteria. The filter section is shown in the lower part of the window.
  12. In the filter section, enter the period of time that is to be analyzed, as well as the attributes that you want filtered. Then click Refresh to update the graph.
  13. To Zoom In, right-click on the graph, and then click Zoom In.
  14. To Zoom Out, right-click on the graph, and then click Zoom Out.
  15. If you want to copy the graph to the clipboard, right-click on the graph, and then click Copy to Clipboard.
  16. To get a more detailed view of reported stop events for an object in the graph, right-click on the object, and then click Show Selected Events.