View Created Work Order


Use this activity to view information on the work orders connected to stop events of a particular production unit. The Work Order link will only be available on the event records populated in the lower section of the window once Events - Work Orders is selected.


To be able to find/view connected work order information, the work order must have been connected to a stop event in the Stop Event window.

System Effects


Related Window Descriptions

Production Unit
Stop Event


  1. Select the required production unit from the Overall Equipment Effectiveness navigator. The Production Unit window opens with information for the selected production unit.
  2. In the lower section of the window a list of existing events for the selected production unit will be displayed. Choose Events - Work Orders from the available filter options to only view the events having connected work orders.
  3. Once you have identified the event you want, click the available date/time link for the particular record. The Stop Event window opens. (You can also use the right mouse button option View Event on the selected row to open the window.)
  4. Click on the available work order link (Work Order XX) to obtain a more detailed view of the connected work order.