Mark as Incorrect


Use this activity to set a measurement as an Incorrect Reading. A dialogue box displays the details of the equipment object/parameter for which a reading has been selected, and the reading value/registration date.

              The reading can be confirmed as incorrect - a note can be recorded giving the reason for the change of measurement type, this is appended to the reading Measurement Note.


The parameter can be of Value Type Limit or Accumulated.

              The measurement must be of Measurement Type Recorded Reading, and there must not be any readings of a later date/time, of types Before Meter Change, After Meter Change or Meter Rollover.

System Effects


Measurements for Object

Related Window Descriptions

Measurements for Object


You can mark a measurement as incorrect from the Measurements for Object window, or the Measurements window.

              Marking a measurement reading as incorrect from the Measurements for Object window:
  1. Populate the Measurements for Object window with an equipment object.
  2. Select a parameter record
  3. In the measurement history records identify the Recorded Reading record that is needs to be changed
  4. Right-click, then click Mark as Incorrect
  5. A dialogue box appears, showing details of the object and parameter/meter selected, together with the Recorded Value and Registration Date of the selected reading.
  6. Optional - enter a note giving the Reason for Incorrect
  7. Click OK to set the reading as incorrect.

Marking a measurement reading as incorrect from the Measurements window:

  1. Populate the Measurements window with an equipment object/parameter, sorted by registration date
  2. Identify the Recorded Reading record that is needs to be changed
  3. Right-click, then click Mark as Incorrect
  4. A dialogue box appears, showing details of the object and parameter/meter selected, together with the Recorded Value and Registration Date of the selected reading
  5. Optional - enter a note giving the Reason for Incorrect
  6. Click OK to set the reading as incorrect.