Set PM Inventory Part Demand Horizon for PM Actions per Site


This activity is used to define the PM Inventory Part Demand Horizon for a certain Site which will be used to determine if the inventory parts demand of an Active Preventive Maintenance Action occurrence/plan line defined on the same site will or will not be shown in the Inventory Part Availability Planning window when queried for an inventory part defined in the Preventive Maintenance Action.


To perform this activity, the site must be defined.

System Effects



Related Window Descriptions

Site/Extended Site Info


  1. Open the Site window.
  2. Populate (F2) or query (F3) for the necessary site.
  3. Click the Maintenance tab..
  4. Set/Change the value in PM Material Demand Horizon field in days.
  5. Save the information (F12).

Note: When creating a new Site and upon saving the Extended Site Info by default PM Inventory Part Demand Horizon will be set to '0'.