Project/Quotation List
Project Product/Quotation List (Project Delivery)

[To Project Management] [To Design Project Delivery Product]


Use this tab window to view the quotation list for the selected project. By selecting the RMB option Add to Project Quotation List in this window, a wizard for adding rows to PQL will be invoked. Otherwise, row(s) can be added to the quotation list by using the RMB option Add to Project Quotation List in Project Product/Project Part Definitions or from Project/Demand/Misc.Parts, or Project/Demand/Misc. No Parts.

Delete PQL lines is always allowed and will cancel any connected RFQ line.

Activity Diagrams

Execute Tender Process


Add To Project Quotation List
Create RFQ from Project Quotation List
Revalidate RFQ Dates From PQL
Modify RFQ from PQL
Project RFQ Supplement
Cancel RFQ From PQL
Request For Quotation
Enter Preliminary Planned Cost
Handle Changes In PQL