Purchase Order/Charges

[About Charges/Landed Costs] [About Sales and Use Taxes, Procurement] [To Procurement]


Use this tab to enter one or more charge lines that are connected to the order as a whole or to a specific order line. An example of different charges are truck, car, flight, and parcel costs. Charges can be connected to both part order lines and no-part order lines. The charge type you enter in the Charge Type field must have been previously entered in the Procurement Basic Data/Purchase Charge Types tab.

If the charges are taxable, U.S. taxes can also be calculated and connected to the charges, when applicable. To do this, select the charge line, right click, and then click Charges Line Taxes. You can then enter the appropriate information in the Purchase Order Charges Sales Tax window.

Activity Diagrams

Enter purchase order


Add purchase charges/landed costs
Enter tax for purchase order charge line
Modify purchase charges/landed costs