Supplier for Purchase Part/Rental Price List

[To Procurement]


Use this tab to define any price agreements that have been negotiated with the supplier for renting in a purchase part. You can also enter price discounts and additional costs. These will be used automatically during purchase order entry to define the price that should be used. This information is also used when comparing prices for certain quantities of a part across all accredited suppliers.

It is possible to choose which lines should be made visible in this tab window. You can choose whether the active lines, the closed lines, and/or the lines with a price catalog number should be visible. This selection is done by right- clicking in the table and choosing Properties. In Object Properties, select the Price List tab. Select/clear the check boxes to view the desired information. It is also possible to decide a valid from date to narrow the selection. Click Apply and close the window. Refresh Supplier for Purchase Part/Rental Price List to view the result. The selection will be saved and used when you open this window again. Note that the specified valid from date only considers the date in the Valid From field; it does not consider whether or not the date in the Valid Until field has passed.

Activity Diagrams

BDR for purchase part
Manage supplier prices
Manage fixed supplier additions
Manage supplier discounts


Enter Rental Price List Info
Enter Rental Price List for the Part and its Supplier
Enter Fixed Addition in Rental Price List
Enter a Discount in Rental Price List