Mixed Payment| Transactions

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Use this tab to enter the underlying transactions in the mixed payment. At least one transaction must be entered before the status of the mixed payment can be set to Approved. This tab allows mixing of cash receipts and disbursements at the same time. To distinguish between them, the system has a number of predefined mixed payment transaction types. 

For the description of each tab in the window, follow the appropriate link: Matching Transactions, Manual Postings

Activity Diagrams

Enter Mixed Payment
Modify and Approve Mixed Payment
Cancel Mixed Payment


Copy Cancelled Mixed Payment
Enter Cash Account Information Mixed Payment
Print Mixed Payment
Modify Mixed Payment
Approve Mixed Payment
Cancel Mixed Payment
Cancel Matching Mixed Payment
Customer Payment Mixed Payment
Supplier Payment Mixed Payment
Acknowledge Customer Payment Order Mixed Payment
Acknowledge Supplier Payment Order Mixed Payment
Direct Cash Transaction Mixed Payment
Acknowledge Customer BoE Transfer Mixed Payment
Cash Supplier Bill of Exchange Mixed Payment
Enter Bank Fee Payment Mixed Payment
Acknowledge Customer Check Cashing
Cash Supplier Check
Cash Customer Repayment Check
Enter Manual Customer Payment
Enter Cash Transfer Transaction
Cancel Customer Check
Copy Canceled Customer Check