Project Item Navigator

[About Project Item] [About Project Item Cost and Hours] [To Design Standard Product]


Use this window to graphically create, modify, and view a project delivery structure. You can reach this window by clicking the window name on the navigator, or by selecting the appropriate structure row in the Delivery Projects window, right-clicking, and then clicking View Navigator.

In the left-hand side of the window, you can see the graphical structure for the project. Items that have underlying structures are indicated by a plus sign on the item folder. Each item in the underlying structure is ordered according to its Sorting Code. Each item displays on the graphical structure as one line of text including the part number, part revision, part description and standard name. You can expand individual items in the structure by double-clicking the item in the structure or by selecting the item, right-clicking, and then clicking Expand. The selected item will expand and the items on the next underlying level will be shown. 

Once the graphical structure is created, you can use it as basis for adding objects (documents and functions), and for modifying and viewing the project delivery structure. The graphical structure consists of 5 types of nodes: item, document folder (containing documents), functions folder (containing functions), document, and function. The status of the part is displayed when holding the mouse-pointer over an item in the navigator. In the structure you can perform the following:

When a document has been connected to a project item, the menu options View, Edit, Check-In and Print, are available in order to view, edit, check in and even print the document if desired.

For the description of each tab in the window, follow the appropriate link: General, Cost, Hours, Activity, Project Operations, Consists Of, Multilevel, PDM Structure, Tag Info, Spare Parts, Journal, Char. Calc., Char. Snapshot, App. Routing, Total Doc. Survey, Total Doc. Req, Part Definition, Serial Info and Supply Info.

Activity Diagrams

Create And Maintain Project Product Structure
Approve Project Product Structure
Enter Project Item Information


View Project Delivery Structure Graphically
Change Project Product
Approve Project Product Design
Set Project Product Structure Realized
Redefine Project Item
Redesign Project Item
Delete Project Delivery Structure Branch
Connect Documents to Project Item