Modify Revaluation Account Parameters


This activity is used to modify the general parameters of several accounts to be used in the Currency Revaluation process at the same time.


In order to perform this activity, it is required that more than one account of the same group are entered in the Revaluation Accounts or the Parallel Currency Revaluation Accounts window.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, the parameters of the accounts will be changed as specified.


Revaluation Accounts
Parallel Currency Revaluation Accounts

Related Window Descriptions

Revaluation Accounts
Parallel Currency Revaluation Accounts
Modify Revaluation Account Parameters
Modify Parallel Currency Revaluation Parameters


  1. Open the Revaluation Accounts or the Parallel Currency Revaluation Accounts window and enter accounts for revaluation.
  2. Select more than one account of the same group, right-click and then click Modify Parameters  to open the Modify Revaluation Account Parameters or the Modify Parallel Currency Revaluation Parameters dialog box.
  3. If you want to modify the posting methods of the selected accounts, select the relevant options from the lists in the Revaluation Posting Method Account, Revaluation Posting Method Sub Code Parts, Gain/Loss Posting Method Sub Code Parts fields.
  4. If you want to modify the AP/AR account parameters, select the relevant options from the lists in the Revaluation Level, Revaluation Method fields. 
  5. If you want to modify the currency rate type, select the Update Currency Rate Type check box and enter a value in the Currency Rate Type field. If you want the currency rate type to be cleared from the accounts, select this check box and leave the field empty.
  6. If you want to specify if the revaluated results should be included in the reversal voucher, choose the relevant option from the list in the Do Not Reverse field.
  7. Click OK to apply the modified parameters to the accounts selected.