Role Delegation

[Time and Attendance Reporting] [Organization Administration]


Use this window to authorize substitutes to take over duties of a supervisor. When required, substitutes will receive all necessary access rights to perform resulting tasks (e.g. authorizations). Not all of supervisor's access has to be assigned and you have the option to grant only partial access. This window is intended to be used by supervisors themselves to administer only their own access. This way they have the flexibility not only to assign substitutes for their absence, but possibly to reassign their own access according to their needs.

Use the header to select the supervisor whose access rights will be assigned. You can choose someone based on his or her Person ID or Employee ID. Remember that you will see access setting valid only on a certain date (the one displayed in the Valid on Date field).

Use the Organization Tree located to the left to select an organization from which you want to display information about supervision. The tree displays companies, matrix organizations, and organization units that the supervisor can access. By clicking the Organization Tree root at the top you will display supervision rights from all structures.
Every node connected directly to the Organization Tree root represents a company or a matrix structure. You can expand them to view their respective organization units.
Note: The structure displays only units that the supervisor can access and units leading to them.

When you select a node from the Organization Tree, relevant access roles (supervision rights) will be shown in the tables. Depending on the option active under the Display Data From area, the Access Setup and Substitutes tabs will display data for the selected node or include information from subordinate nodes as well.

Following right click actions are available from the Organization Tree:

For the description of each tab in the window, follow the appropriate link: Available Access, Substitutes

Activity Diagrams

Appoint Substitutes and Delegate Access


Delegate Partial Access to Subordinates
Delegate Full Access to Subordinates
Delegate no Access and Appoint Substitutes