Copy Class
Use this window to duplicate data, relations and properties of a class and copy
them onto a new target class. It is possible to create this new class as part of
the same standard as the class being copied or as a new class for a
different standard. If the class relations check box is selected, some
limitations governing this duplication are:
- If the source class has a class relation to the same class, e.g. Pump
Centrifugal can be a design part for Pump Centrifugal then the target class
will inherit this class relation in a slightly different manner. e.g. If the
new class is named Pump Centrifugal 1 then accordingly it will inherit the
relation 'can be a design part for Pump Centrifugal 1'.
- If the source class belongs to a standard comprising of several other
classes, and relations exist between the source class and the standard's
other classes and if the target class belongs to a different standard which
does not support all the former standards' classes, the target class will
not inherit all the class relations of this nature.
Activity Diagrams
Define Class
Copy Class