Design Object Work Preparation/Additional Parts

[About Prefabrication and Assembly] [About Additional Parts] [To Asset Engineering]


Use this tab to view and add information on the additional parts connected to the design object in the header. It is also possible to add and remove additional parts from the list. The additional parts defined here, can be supplied with the information related to work preparation, such as such as fabrication type and quantity, assembly type and quantity, and supply type. The additional parts defined here, will be available to become the materials used in shop orders and work orders, provided the fabrication quantities and assembly quantities of the additional parts are greater than zero respectively. Similarly, additional parts could be included or excluded as material requirements of a shop order or work order based on the fabrication type and assembly type values specified when creating the shop order or work order respectively. For example, an additional part will become the material of a shop order if its fabrication type is the same as the type requested by the shop order. In addition, the supply type, Project Inventory or Invent To Order, directs the location from which these additional parts defined as materials could be received when the real work starts.

Activity Diagrams

Manage Additional Parts for Design Object


Connect Additional Parts to Design Object