Performance Monitoring

The performance monitoring functionality is used to analyze the cost progress during processing of a DOP structure.

Note:  To get the most correct graph the actual cost should be calculated every work day for the DOP structure. This can be done by starting a scheduled job that calculates the actual cost every day for a specific DOP structure or a specific site.

Dates in the graph

The time axis shows dates. Starting from the earliest start date of all DOP Orders in the DOP Structure (or earliest of revised start date and actual start date) and ending with the Revised Due Date for the Top DOP Order (or latest of projected due date and revised due date). When the Top DOP Order is late, that is, all of the Revised Qty Due is not received into inventory at Revised Due Date, the time axis needs to be extended.

Special dates marked in the graph are:

Date Description
Start The planned start date of the whole DOP structure.
Current   The current date.
Plan Due The planned due date of the whole DOP structure.
P P Due Projected Planned Due Date, The projected due date considering longest lead-time left.
P C Due Projected Current Due Date, The projected due date considering longest lead-time left multiplied by the time performance rate, (current base line cost/current earned value).

Cost parameters in the graph

The accumulated cost/value axis starts from zero cost and reaches as high as the highest cost in the diagram.

The diagram shows seven types of cost parameters; Base Line Cost, Actual Cost, Earned Value, Projected Actual Cost Planned Performance, Projected Actual Cost Current Performance, Projected Earned Value Planned Performance and Projected Earned Value Current Performance. The first three are displayed using colored lines in the graph. The Planned Performance costs are drawn with broken lines and Current performance costs with dotted lines.

  1. Base Line Cost: The estimated cost each day for the complete DOP structure
  2. Actual Cost: The actual cost each day for the DOP structure until current date.
  3. Earned Value: The cost according to the plan of how much we actually have completed at the moment. The cost is the same as for estimated but with the difference that we calculate only the cost for parts that are finished at the specific day. If the DOP structure is late, the earned value will be less than the base line cost.
  4. Projected Actual Cost Planning Performance: The actual cost for the rest of the days until the DOP structure is completed. The DOP structure is guessed to be ready from current date plus the longest branch lead time left to manufacture. The cost will at the end be the current actual cost plus the planned cost for the remaining DOP orders.
  5. Projected Actual Cost Current Performance: The actual cost for the rest of the days until the DOP structure is completed according to current performance. The DOP structure is guessed to be ready from this date plus the longest branch lead time left to manufacture plus an average difference based on if the earlier DOP orders are completed on time. (Projected lead-time left = longest branch lead time * performance rate where performance rate= current base line cost / current earned value). The cost will at the end be the current actual cost plus the planned cost for the remaining DOP orders plus an average difference based on the cost difference of earlier completed DOP orders. (Projected cost left = planned cost left * performance rate where performance rate = current actual cost/ current earned value). If no quantity has been reported the projected actual cost current performance will not be displayed.
  6. Projected Earned Value Planning Performance: The earned value for the rest of the days until the DOP structure is completed. The DOP structure is guessed to be ready from current date plus the longest branch lead time left to manufacture. The cost will at the end be the current earned value plus the planned cost for the remaining DOP orders. If the quantity reported is the same as planned, the cost will at the end have the same value as the Base Line Cost
  7. Projected Earned Value Current Performance: The projected earned value for the rest of the days until the DOP structure is completed according to current performance. The DOP structure is guessed to be ready from this date plus the longest branch lead time left to manufacture plus an average difference based on if the earlier DOP orders are completed on time. (Projected lead-time left = longest branch lead time * performance rate where performance rate= current base line cost / current earned value). The cost will at the end be the current earned value plus the planned cost for the remaining DOP orders. If the quantity reported is the same as planned, the cost will at the end have the same value as the Base Line Cost. If no quantity has been reported the projected arned value current performance will not be displayed.

There is also a parameter "Required Cost Improvement" in the Performance Monitoring window.

  1. Required Cost Improvement: This shows how much we must increase the cost performance compared to the planned cost for the last days until the DOP structure is completed. This is estimated with the simple factor: ((current actual cost / current earned value)-1)*100. If the current date is after planned due date the Required Improvement should be zero.

Added as well are two parameters that show Inventory Dollar Days.

  1. Actual Inv. Dollar Days: This is the integral of the cost build up concerning the actual cost from actual start date to current date.
  2. Base Line Inv. Dollar Days: This is the integral of the cost build up concerning the base line cost from planned start date to planned due date.